There are lots of services that you can access without needed to be referred by your GP first. Below is a selection of some of the services you might want to access.
You can also find more services in the Local support and advice section of this website.
Vita Minds IAPT Service
If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, excessive worry or low mood, then VitaMinds can help. VitaMinds works in partnership with the NHS to offer a range of short-term psychological therapies, known as IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) to adults 16-years and over, who are registered with a Basildon, Brentwood, Billericay or Wickford GP.
Connect Health Integrated Musculoskeletal Service
This service is for people with musculoskeletal and potential inflammatory conditions. The team includes specialist clinicians covering all musculoskeletal specialist areas, who can provide a comprehensive assessment and a range of treatments and management plans in a community setting.
Services include:
- Physiotherapy
- PhysioLine
- Pain Service
- Rheumatology
- 1:1 Rehab
- Hand Therapy
- Group Classes
Essex Wellbeing Service
The Essex Wellbeing Service supports adults, employees, parents and families in Essex to live healthy and socially connected lives. With practical, emotional, health and wellbeing advice, support and signposting they help Essex residents to lead their best possible life.
You can access support for a range of issues, including:
- quitting smoking
- physical activity
- strength and balance
- social isolation
- mental health
- alcohol reduction
- sleeping well
- healthy eating
- weight management